On the surface, WordPress block patterns are simple. They’re a collection of blocks that can be reused throughout your website. That also makes them deceptively powerful.
Why? Building reusable layouts used to require creating custom theme templates. A block pattern can replace the need to write custom code. It’s also easier to edit than a classic theme, as everything is housed within WordPress.
But that’s only the beginning. You can use block patterns for a variety of tasks. They might even save you from having to build a custom block. Indeed, the more you experiment, the more use cases you’ll discover.
The result is an improved workflow. Time-consuming and tedious tasks become quick and easy. So does adjusting and expanding what patterns do as your needs change.
Doesn’t that sound great? Let’s explore some ways WordPress block patterns can improve your workflow.
Build Consistency into Your Design
The WordPress Block Editor allows you to create groups of blocks and customize their look. That’s a handy feature, but it doesn’t scale very well.
For example, consider a call-to-action (CTA) feature. Ideally, you’d want to use the same colors and font styles for every instance. Doing so was a pain before block patterns came along. You’d have to build each CTA separately or attempt to copy and paste the original.
Block patterns provide a centralized place for tweaking styles. That makes it easier to achieve consistency with your design. The patterns you create will look the same – meaning you won’t have to go back and reference how the original was configured.
That doesn’t mean you have to give up on flexibility, though. Synced patterns now allow for overrides, which let you customize specific aspects. You can keep the underlying look of a pattern while changing things like text or images.
You can also protect your patterns by using the built-in locking feature. This will help you guard against an accident or overly-curious client.
Achieving a consistent style with blocks no longer requires workarounds. That makes the Block Editor a better option for design-centric sites.

Quickly Publish Important Information
Websites are a great resource for up-to-the-minute information. The fickle nature of social media makes them a steady and trusted resource. Situations like wait times, weather emergencies, or unexpected closures are prime examples.
It’s easy enough to add a notice to your home page. But what if you need to publish in multiple places? A block pattern saves you from repetition – not to mention potential inaccuracies.
The centralized nature of block patterns makes them useful for publishing this type of information. Add a pattern to specified pages, update it as needed, and keep users informed.
You can go even further with the free Block Visibility plugin (read our interview with its creator). The plugin makes it easy to hide block patterns in a couple of clicks. You can also use it to specify a time range for the pattern to display. That adds automation to the mix.
The other benefit of this approach is that you can make the pattern visible the next time it’s needed. The infrastructure is already in place.
Block patterns aren’t just useful for permanent features. They also speed up the development of temporary ones.
Empower Clients with Designer-Approved Layouts
We mentioned that block patterns help with consistency. They also play a role in reducing your (and your client’s) stress levels.
Clients working with the Block Editor can become “adventurous” when building layouts. They add, subtract, and tweak, looking to bring an idea to life. However, the number of possibilities can be overwhelming.
That leads to mixed results. Sometimes the layout breaks or looks askew. Other times, clients don’t know where to start and become frustrated. That leaves us to console them and maybe clean up a mess.
A block pattern might be the perfect solution. Building patterns for your clients allows them to choose from various premade looks. Even better, these patterns can be customized with the client’s site in mind. There’s no need to wrestle with generic styles.
At best, it helps your clients help themselves. Short of that, it also means a quicker page-building process for you. Everybody wins!
Flex Your Creative Muscles
One of the exciting aspects of block patterns is their versatility. There are some obvious use cases. Then again, you might find niche applications as you go along.
Recent additions to WordPress only increase the potential of patterns. Take, for example, the Block Bindings API. It allows you to populate blocks with dynamic data such as custom field values.
This helps you create more advanced functionality. You could build patterns that truly are dynamic and are based on specific conditions. Previously, this kind of functionality was the territory of custom blocks.
The aforementioned Block Visibility plugin offers additional options. You can use it to target specific users or devices with your patterns. For example, you might show a pattern only to logged-in users or those visiting on a mobile device.
There’s potential to personalize your website and increase user engagement. Add that to the ability to inform visitors and streamline content creation. It’s amazing what a little collection of blocks can do.
Experiment with Block Patterns and See What They Can Do
It turns out that block patterns are a crucial part of the Gutenberg experience. They’re worth taking advantage of – regardless of what kind of theme you use.
The best part is that they’re built into WordPress. You don’t need a plugin or the ability to write code. Anyone can create a basic block pattern with a few clicks.
In addition, the WordPress Pattern Directory offers access to thousands of patterns. You can grab interesting patterns and customize them to your heart’s content. You’re sure to find the perfect fit for every project.
It’s tempting to look at block patterns as a design tool. However, uncovering their true power requires digging a little deeper. They can also increase your efficiency and serve as a functional piece to your site.
In short, block patterns help you do more in less time. That’s all the more reason to experiment with them.
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