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Big acquisition news happened last week when Delicious Brains, owned by Brad Touesnard, sold five of its plugins to WPEngine. You may use one or all of these plugins starting with Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), WP Migrate, WP Offload Media, WP Offload SES, and Better Search Replace. Some of the product teams will be moving to WPEngine and the other support teams and developers will continue as usual as issues are escalated to them. Listen to Brad’s interview with Matt Medeiros right here on the WPMinute.

Other ecommerce News

DTC Patterns, an ongoing Barrel research project has compiled over 100 articles where their teams buy real products from brands many of us are familiar with. They highlight interesting and effective ecommerce user experiences and marketing interactions. These observations are called “patterns” where over 100+ articles were written showcasing various ways brands engage with customers before, during, and after the purchase process. 


WordCamp EU is over and it looks like many in the WordPress community had a great time getting together in person and talking about all the new things arriving in WordPress 6.0, Gutenberg and the future of WordPress.

It was announced that WordCamp EU will be in Athens, Greece. The WPMinute’s writer, Eric Karkovac wrote about the feelings of WordCamps and David Bisset shares his takeaways from WordCamp EU.

I donated $100 to A Big Orange Heart for 20 selfies taken with Matt Cromwell out in Porto. He matched the $100 along with Michelle Frechette’s WPCoffee Talk and StellarWP. I challenge you to match a $100 donation too! 

If you are using a Pagebuilder with WordPress this is a heads up that the Pagebuilder Summit is right around the corner June 20 – 24 2022. Registration is open for this event.

From Our Contributors and Producers

John Locke shared this Podcast episode from MasterWP about Capitalizing the “P” in WordPress. Nyasha Green and Rob Howard discuss this article about why the capital P in WordPress is such a big deal and why this one letter influences how some people think about it when hiring developers. 

Speaking of hiring developers, Rachel Cherry is looking to fill a 20/hr a week developer position at Cornell University College of Business. Check out the Tweet for more detail.

Community Segments this week by:

WP Security Minute by Chris Wiegman


Hello. It’s Chris Wiegman with your WordPress Minute.

As I’m recording this WordCamp, Europe is coming to an end in Porto Portugal and there were a couple of great security sessions that were worth your time to check out as they become available online in the recordings.

The first is from a local Floridan, or local to me anyway, Victor Santoyo who’s been a long-time contributor to Security. He talked about lessons learned in 2021 with WordPress security. He covers topics such as vulnerabilities in WordPress itself, the plugins, API keys, and various other things that have made the news over the next year.

And the second session that’s worth your time to check out, is protecting website visitors with security headers by Rogier Lankhorst. Security headers are something that’s often overlooked and definitely worth your time to increase the security of your own site if you haven’t done so already.

Check those out on WordCamp Europe as they become available.

Thank you.

Learn WP minute by Hauwa Abashiya


Hi, it’s Hauwa Abashiya here from the make training team here with your learn WordPress minute. As I’m recording this members of the training team are at WordCamp Europe and will be present at Contributor day. If you were able to attend, do tell us what you got up to.

The faculty program is now live and accepting applications. This is a dedicated volunteer program for the training team and broadly consists of Content Creators, Subject Matter Experts, and Administrators. If you, or anyone, you know, might be interested in being part of this program, check out all the details on the Make Training Team handbook. It covers the areas of responsibility, how to join, and how applications are vetted.

WordPress, 6.0 was released in May. Want to help us create and edit content for Learn? Check out our content development project board on GitHub. Pick a topic and leave a comment on the GitHub issue. Check out, and visit the links in the show notes. For more information.

New Members

We would like to welcome Austin Ginder as a Producer and Brian Coords to the WPMinute Community.

Thanks to all of the members who shared these links today: 

  • Joe Casabona
  • John Locke

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